Aprenda Lendo - Inglês

The Boss

Don't think of me as the boss, just consider me a co-worker who is always right.


The Computer Geek

A computer geek is crossing the road when he sees a frog, which opens its mouth and starts talking.
"If you kiss me," the frog says, "I'll turn into a beautiful princess, stay with you for a week and do anything you want."
The guy smiles and puts the frog in his pocket.
"Did you hear me?" asks the frog. "A beautiful princess? For a week?"
"Look," says the nerd, "I haven't got time for a girlfriend. But a talking
frog -- now, that's cool."

At a public telephone

-- I am sorry Sir, but I am in a terrible hurry. It's fifteen minutes you're using this telephone without saying a single word.
-- I am "talking" to my wife.

- always right - sempre certo
- boss - chefe
- co-worker - companheiro de trabalho
- think (think, thought, thought) - pensar
- hurry - pressa
- I am sorry - Eu sinto muito
- say - dizer
- single word - uma palavra
- talk - falar, conversar
- wife - esposa
- computer geek - fanático por computadores
- cool - legal, bacana
- cross the road - atravessar a rua
- frog - sapo
- girlfriend - namorada
- hear (hear, heard, heard) - ouvir
- kiss - beijar
- mouth - boca
- pocket - bolso
- see (see, saw, seen) - ver
- smile - sorrir
- start - começar
- stay with you - ficar com você
- talking frog - sapo falante
- turn into - transformar
- week - semana


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