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Top 10 - Estratégias para aumentar sua pontuação TOEFL IBT READING

1. Tal como acontece com outras seções do TOEFL, estar familiarizado com as instruções e  exemplos para que você possa começar a trabalhar imediatamente. 2. Para cada passagem, começar por olhar brevemente sobre as perguntas (mas não as  opções de resposta ). Tente manter estas questões em mente durante a sua leitura . 3. Leitura dinâmica para encontrar e destacar os fatos e informações importantes. 4. Leia cada passagem a uma velocidade confortável. 5. Responda às perguntas, referindo-se a passagem quando necessário. 6. Eliminar a respostas que são claramente erradas ou não responder à pergunta. E Se  mais de uma opção permanecer, chute! 7. Marque as questões com respostas difíceis para que você possa voltar a eles demorado mais tarde, se você tiver tempo. 8. O tempo é um fator importante. Não gastar mais de 10 minutos em qualquer uma das passagens e as perguntas sobre o assunto. 9. A concentração é outro fator importante. A seção de leitura é uma das mais mais longa


Dentre as principais dicas/estratégias que podemos destacar para a parte de leitura do teste do TOEFL iBT temos: Detalhando um pouco mais algumas técnicas ( leitura superficial e gerenciamento do tempo): Outro tema importante são as questões diretas ou Factual Questions que perguntam sobre fatos e detalhes obtidos diretamente da passagem.

TOEFL iBT passo-a-passo: Reading Section Overview

Sumário da Seção de Leitura do TOEFL iBT: 3 textos ( 600 -700 palavras cada) 39 questões ( 10 -14 após cada texto) 60 minutos - Tempo Limite Dicas para responder corretamente as questões: Determine as ideias centrais e os detalhes de suporte. Procure informações específicas Use o contexto para decifrar o vocabulário Faça inferências coerentes com o texto  e desenhe as conclusões Identifique o ponto de vista do autor Entenda porque o autor usou certas palavras ou exemplos Identifique as paráfrases. Analise as informações e classifique-as em categorias e princípios. Os textos Os textos contêm assuntos de diversos campos acadêmicos bem como vocabulários específicos. Eles são similares em tons e conteúdo que  são encontrados nos primeiros anos dos textos universitários. Os textos são oriundos de disciplinas típicas das  universidades tais como ciências, histórias e ciências sociais. Tópicos mais específicos podem incluir: Astronomia, arquitetura, antropologia,

English Lessons

Review: Apple iPod touch (Fifth-Generation) Jeremy Horwitz Pros: A substantially redesigned and much-improved version of the prior iPod touch, enhancing everything from screen quality to battery life and audio performance. In 32GB and 64GB models, both front and rear cameras are particularly big jumps over prior, poorly-equipped model, now rivaling recent iPhones; new 4” screen is taller and more color accurate than before. The 32GB and 64GB models are now offered in six different colors, including nice silver and black updates to prior models, while including a fabric loop for wrist carrying. Thinner and lighter than before. All models include new EarPods earphones. Cons: Despite two-year gap since prior model’s release, most of the new features are a full step behind leading iPhone and iPad models, cementing the new iPod touch as a smaller, better-screened remake of the iPhone 4S rather than as an iPod that separately justifies its existence with at least one standout new feat

English Lessons

Typhon Vongfon hits Japan Tradução: Barreled - atingir com velocidade Ripped of - Arrancar Smashing Landslides - delizamentos Floods - inundações Swathe - faixa de terra. Stranding - encurralados Of sticky ash - cinza pegajosa Dominando o GMAT: Os desafios da Seção Quantitativa O que a seção mede e como se preparar? Confira o texto de Luciana Chamie para a coluna do Dr. Paulo César Moraes Para elaborar sobre esta seção, tenho prazer em apresentar minha colega de treinamento, Luciana Chamie, que há 17 anos vem impactando os alunos no domínio do quantitativo! Embora a Matemática esteja entre as disciplinas do currículo escolar que mais colecionam inimigos, é fato que ninguém pode ignorá-la completamente sem sentir sérios desconfortos. A Seção Quantitativa do GMAT é uma ótima oportunidade para você rever seu relacionamento com a Matemática, pois ela aborda parte do conteúdo do 1º grau e parte do 2º grau, todos já vistos por você na esco

English Lessons

Além das perguntas responda as questões abaixo 1) Selecione os termos relativos a parto Midwife Newborn s Pregnancy Postnatal Antnatal To be born Birth Child bearing 2) O que significa: "I had been meaning to go" - pretendia Bitterly - amargamente, severo Mud house  - casa de lama/barro Heavily wrapped - firmemente atado Open Sore -  abertura dolorosa Would not have sought (seek) - não teria procurado Ripped off - extorquido Is lagging behind - com atraso Encompass - abranger Thrive - se desenvolver

English Lessons - FOR x ON x TO

FOR x ON x TO FOR Usually indicates benefit to recipient After verbs: bake,  build,  buy,  Cook,  create,  dance,  design,  do, get,  make,  play,  sing,  want something, win,  work,  write. ON Expressions: have pity/mercy ; please have pity ON them.  The boss had mercy ON us. Pull a gun/knife ON. TO Usually indicates transfer to recipient. After verbs: award,  bring,  carry,  dedicate,  deliver,  describe, devote. ...

Aprenda Lendo - 27/12/2011

The Polish immigrant A Polish immigrant went to the DMV to apply for a driver's license. First, of course, he had to take an eye sight test. The optician showed him a card with the letters: 'C Z W I X N O S T A C Z.' "Can you read this?" the optician asked. "Read it?" the Polish guy replied, "I know the guy." Vocabulary Help DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) - departamento de trânsito driver's license - licença de motorista eye sight test - exame de vista guy - sujeito, pessoa Polish - polonês reply - responder show - mostrar

Aprenda Lendo - 11/12/2011

The blondes strike again Two blondes are walking down the street. One notices a compact on the sidewalk and leans down to pick it up. She opens it, looks in the mirror and says, "Hmm, this person looks familiar." The second blonde says, "Here, let me see!" So the first blonde hands her the compact. The second one looks in the mirror and says, "You dummy, it's me!" Vocabulary Help blonde - loura compact - estojo com espelho e pó para o rosto dummy - idiota, burra it's me - sou eu lean down - abaixar let me see - deixe-me ver look familiar - parece familiar mirror - espelho notice - notar, ver pick it up - pegar say - falar, dizer sidewalk - passeio da rua The blondes strike again - as louras atacam novamente

Aprenda Lendo - 07/12/2011

Paying for sex A friend and her husband were participating in a blood drive, and as part of the prescreening process, an elderly volunteer was asking some questions. "Have you ever paid for sex?" the woman asked my friend's husband sweetly. Glancing wearily over at his wife, trying to calm a new baby and tend to several other children milling around her, he sighed, "Every time." Vocabulary Help blood drive - campanha de doação de sangue elderly volunteer - voluntário idoso every time - todas as vezes friend - amiga glance - olhar de relance, rapidamente Have you ever paid for sex? - Já pagou para fazer sexo? husband - marido prescreening process - triagem sigh - suspirar sweetly - docemente, com suavidade tend - tomar conta wearily - de maneira cansada wife - esposa

Aprenda Lendo - Inglês 30/11/2011

Blind Man in Texas There once was a blind man who decided to visit Texas. When he arrived on the plane, he felt the seats and said, "Wow, these seats are big!" The person next to him answered, "Everything is big in Texas." When he finally arrived in Texas, he decided to visit a bar. Upon arriving in the bar, he ordered a beer and got a mug placed between his hands. He exclaimed, "Wow these mugs are big!" The bartender replied, "Everything is big in Texas." After a couple of beers, the blind man asked the bartender where the bathroom was located. The bartender replied, "Second door to the right." The blind man headed for the bathroom, but accidentally tripped over and skipped the second door. Instead, he entered the third door, which lead to the swimming pool and fell into the pool by accident. Scared to death, the blind man started shouting, "Don't flush, don't flush!" Vocabulary Help arrive - chegar bathroom - banhe

Aprenda Lendo - Inglês 28/11/2011

PMS -- What's the difference between a woman with PMS and a Pitt Bull? -- Lipstick Vocabulary Help lipstick - batom PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) - síndrome pré-menstrual woman - mulher

Aprenda Lendo - Inglês 24/11/2011

Obituaries I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." Clarence Darrow Vocabulary Help great - grande kill - matar read (read, read, read) - ler

Aprenda Lendo - 20/11/2011

Getting angry Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy. Aristotle Vocabulary Help become angry - ficar com raiva easy - fácil power - poder purpose - objetivo right degree - no grau certo right person - pessoa certa right way - da maneira certa

Aprenda Inglês Lendo - 07/11/2011

The Internet My 50-something friend Nancy and I decided to introduce her mother to the magic of the Internet. Our first move was to access the popular "Ask Jeeves" site, and we told her it could answer any question she had. Nancy's mother was very skeptical until Nancy said, "It's true, Mom. Think of something to ask it." As I sat with fingers poised over the keyboard, Nancy's mother thought a minute, then responded, "How is Aunt Helen feeling?" Vocabulary Help answer - responder feel (feel, felt, felt) - sentir finger - dedo first move - primeira ação friend - amiga introduce - apresentar mother - mãe poised over - suspensos sobre question - pergunta say - dizer sit (sit, sat, sat) - sentar skeptical - cética tell (tell, told, told) - contar, dizer think (think, thought, thought) - pensar true - verdade

Aprenda Lendo - Inglês 03/11/2011

He does the dishes My husband and I have always exchanged chores around the house, including doing the dishes, which I hate to do, and mowing the lawn, which he hates to do. This worked to our mutual satisfaction until he began to be bothered by people in passing cars staring at him as he relaxed while I mowed. He solved the problem by presenting me with a T-shirt to wear while I was cutting the grass. On the front, big letters said: "IT'S ALL RIGHT." The back of the T-shirt proclaimed: "HE DOES THE DISHES." Vocabulary Help begin (begin, began, begun) - começar bother - incomodar chores - tarefas doing the dishes - lavar os pratos exchange - trocar grass - grama hate - odiar house - casa husband - marido mow the lawn - cortar a grama people - pessoas stare - encarar wear (wear, wore, worn) - usar

Aprenda Inglês Lendo

I know this lawyers A small town prosecuting attorney called his first witness to the stand in a trial-a grandmotherly, elderly woman. He approached her and asked, "Mrs. Jones, do you know me?" She responded, "Yes, I do know you Mr. Williams. I've known you since you were a young boy. And frankly, you've been a big disappointment to me. You lie, you cheat on your wife, you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you're a rising big shot when you haven't the brains to realize you never will amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you." The lawyer was stunned. Not knowing what else to do he pointed across the room and asked, "Mrs. Williams, do you know the defense attorney?" She again replied, "Why, yes I do. I've known Mr. Bradley since he was a youngster, too. I used to baby-sit him for his parents. And he, too, has been a real disappointment to me. He's lazy, bigoted, he

Aprenda Lendo - Inglês

Blind man Two female privates are ordered to paint the general's office. They are warned not to get paint on their uniforms. So they lock the door, strip off their clothes and get to work. An hour later, there's a knock at the door. "Who is it?" they ask. "Blind man." Thinking nothing of it, the privates open up. "Hi," says the man. "Where do you want the blinds?" Vocabulary Help blind man - pode ser "homem cego" ou "instalador de cortinas". blinds - cortinas clothes - roupas female - mulher knock on the door - batida na porta later - mais tarde lock - fechar office - escritório paint - pintar private - soldado strip off - tirar warn - alertar

Aprenda Inglês Lendo

The Computer Geek A computer geek is crossing the road when he sees a frog, which opens its mouth and starts talking. "If you kiss me," the frog says, "I'll turn into a beautiful princess, stay with you for a week and do anything you want." The guy smiles and puts the frog in his pocket. "Did you hear me?" asks the frog. "A beautiful princess? For a week?" "Look," says the nerd, "I haven't got time for a girlfriend. But a talking frog -- now, that's cool." Vocabulary Help computer geek - fanático por computadores cool - legal, bacana cross the road - atravessar a rua frog - sapo girlfriend - namorada hear (hear, heard, heard) - ouvir kiss - beijar mouth - boca pocket - bolso see (see, saw, seen) - ver smile - sorrir start - começar stay with you - ficar com você talking frog - sapo falante turn into - transformar week - semana

Aprenda Lendo - Inglês 23/10/2011

The Chief Samurai Once upon a time a powerful Emperor advertised for a new Chief Samurai. Only three applied for the job: a Japanese, a Chinese and a Jewish Samurai. "Demonstrate your skills!" commanded the Emperor. The Japanese samurai stepped forward, opened a tiny box, and released a fly. He drew his samurai sword and "swish"; the fly fell to the floor, neatly divided in two! "What a feat!" said the Emperor. "Number Two Samurai, show me what you can do." The Chinese samurai smiled confidently, stepped forward and opened a tiny box, releasing a fly. He drew his samurai sword and "swish, swish"; the fly fell to the floor, neatly quartered! "That is skill!" nodded the Emperor. "How are you going to top that, Number Three Samurai?" Number Three Samurai stepped forward, opened a tiny box, release one fly, drew his Samurai sword, and "swoooooosh" flourished his sword so mightily that a gust of wind ble