Inglês - Aprenda Lendo

The Penguins

A Cop was driving along the freeway when he drove past an red convertible car with a man driving it. In the back of the car were twelve penguins.

The Cop pulled the car over and said abruptly, "I want you to take these penguins to the Zoo" . The driver said okay and took off. The next day the same Cop was driving along the same freeway when he passed the same red convertible car. The car still had the man driving it with the twelve penguins sitting in the back. This time the man and the penguins were wearing sunglasses. The Cop pulled the car over again and said abruptly, "I thought I told you to take these penguins to the Zoo". The man said, "I did and now I'm taking them to the Beach".

The Perfect Woman

An old man was very sad because he had spent his whole life alone.

-- Have you never found the perfect woman?
-- Yes, I have met her once.
-- But, why did you keep on being alone?
-- Because she was looking for the perfect man.

- cop - policial
- freeway - autoestrada
- drive (drive, drove, driven) - dirigir
- pull the car over - mandar estacionar
- took off - sair (com o carro)
- sunglasses - óculos de sol
- think (think, thought, thought) - pensar
- tell (tell, told, told) - contar

- sad - triste
- spend (spend, spent, spent) - gastar
- whole - inteira
- alone - sózinho
- find (find, found, found) - encontrar
- woman - mulher
- meet (meet, met, met) - encontrar
- once - uma vez
- keep (keep, kept, kept) - continuar
- look for - procurar
Esta mensagem encontra-se na Internet no endereço
Dias 22 a 25/11; dias 6 a 9/12 e dias 24 a 27/01/08
"Formação em COACHING INTEGRATIVO" com Bernd Isert - 5 MÓDULOS
Treinamento de desenvolvimento pessoal e capacitação profissional em
Coaching no modelo europeu, potente abordagem de intervenção terapêutica e
gerenciamento de conflitos, serve tanto para o terapeuta quanto para o
profissional que necessite recursos para lidar com os processos de
motivação e criatividade profunda de seus clientes e colaboradores.


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