Inglês - Aprenda Lendo

Hard work

Those who work too much, make lots of mistakes. Those who work little, make few mistakes. Those who do not work, make no mistakes. Those who make no mistakes .... are promoted.

Two Things

Two things I like: cold beer and hot women. Two things I hate: hot beer and cold women


Leather Dress

When a woman puts on a leather dress, the man's heart beats faster, this throat dries. His legs shake and he starts to lose self-control. Do you know why? Because she smells like a new car!!!


Marriage and Submarines

A marriage is very much like a submarine. It may even float at times, but it was made to sink.

- things - coisas
- cold - frio
- beer - cerveja
- hot - quente
- women - mulheres
- hate - odiar
- little - pouco
- make (make, made, made) - fazer
- mistake - erro
- promote - promover
- work - trabalhar
- woman - mulher
- leather dress - vestido de couro
- heart - coração
- beat - bater
- faster - mais rápido
- throat - garganta
- dry - secar
- leg - perna
- shake - tremer
- lose (lose, lost, lost) - perder
- smell - cheirar
- like a new car - como um carro novo
- even - até mesmo
- float - flutuar
- sink (sink, sank, sunk) - afundar


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