Inglês - Aprenda Lendo

The Kangaroo

A kangaroo kept getting out of his enclosure at the zoo.

Knowing that he could hop high, the zoo officials put up a ten-foot fence. He was out the next morning, just roaming around the zoo. A twenty-foot fence was put up. Again he got out.

When the fence was forty feet high, a camel in the next enclosure asked the kangaroo, "How high do you think they'll go?"

The kangaroo said, "About a thousand feet, unless somebody locks the gate at night!"

- get out - sair
- enclosure - encarceramento, jaula
- hop - pular
- high - alto
- put up - construir
- fence - cerca
- roaming around - circulando pelo
- how high - qual altura
- lock - fechar
- gate - portão
- feet - aproximadamente 30 cm
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