Inglês - Aprenda Lendo

When in Doubt

When in doubt, tell the truth.
Mark Twain

The New

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.

The Optimist Farmer and the Pessimist Neighbor

One day the sun was shinning brightly and the optimist said,"Great day, eh?"

The pessimist said,"The stupid sun will burn the crops." The next day it rained. Again the optimist tried to engage his friend, but the pessimist's only response was:
"Stinking rain will wash out all the seed!"

So the optimist took his friend duck hunting, which he loved. After the first duck was shot the optimist dispatched his dog to fetch the duck. The dog ran on top
of the water, picked up the duck and ran back. The optimist exclaimed "Did you see that?", The pessimist replied, "Dog can't swim, eh?"

- doubt - duvida
- truth - verdade

- afraid - temeroso, com mêdo
- remember - lembrar
- amateurs - amadores
- build (build, built, built) - construir
- ark - arca (de Noé)

- crops - colheitas
- rain - chover
- engage - animar
- wash out - carregar, levar embora
- seed - sementes
- duck - pato
- hunt - caçar
- shot - alvejado, atingido
- fetch - pegar
- ran on top of the water - correu por sobre as águas
- swim - nadar

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São Paulo, 27 e 28 de outubro
Seminário de treinamento de competências cerebrais e hiper-estimulação de
faculdades associadas ao hemisfério cerebral direito que aumenta o poder de
concentração e de tomada de decisão de forma bastante significativa.


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