Aprenda Lendo - Inglês

Being nice to people

My wife was attending an all-day job fair, so I was surprised when the phone rang and I heard her weary voice.
"Everything all right?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said. "I just wanted to talk to someone I didn't have to be nice to."
Changing people

I haven't got the slightest idea how to change people, but I keep a long list of prospective candidates in case I find out.
David Sedaris

The commander of the C-141 was in a hurry to fly out of the U.S. air base in Thule, Greenland. But everything was working against him. The truck to pump the sewage from the plane was late, and then the airman pumping out the tank was taking his time. The commander berated the lowly airman, threatening to have him punished. Turning to the officer, the airman said, "I have no stripes, it's 40 degrees below zero, I'm stationed in Thule, and I'm pumping sewage out of airplanes. Just how do you plan on punishing me?"

- change - mudar
- find out - descobrir
- keep (keep, kept, kept) - manter
- people - pessoas
- slightest idea - a menor idéia
- against - contra
- below - abaixo
- berate - repreender, chamar a atenção
- fly out - voar para fora
- Greenland - Groenlandia
- hurry - pressa
- late - atrasado
- lowly - de posto baixo, inferior
- plane - avião
- pump - bombear
- punish - punir
- sewage - esgoto
- stripe - divisas, posto, cargo na hierarquia militar
- take his time - fazer as coisas sem pressa, tranquilamente
- threat - ameaçar
- truck - caminhão
- turn to - virar para
- work - trabalhar
- attend - participar
- fair -feira
- job - emprego
- nice - legal, gentil
- ring (ring, rang, rung) - tocar
- someone - alguém
- talk - conversar
- voice - voz
- weary - cansado
- wife - esposa


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