Aprenda Lendo - 07/12/2011

Paying for sex

A friend and her husband were participating in a blood drive, and as part of the prescreening process, an elderly volunteer was asking some questions. "Have you ever paid for sex?" the woman asked my friend's husband sweetly.
Glancing wearily over at his wife, trying to calm a new baby and tend to several other children milling around her, he sighed, "Every time."

Vocabulary Help

  • blood drive - campanha de doação de sangue
  • elderly volunteer - voluntário idoso
  • every time - todas as vezes
  • friend - amiga
  • glance - olhar de relance, rapidamente
  • Have you ever paid for sex? - Já pagou para fazer sexo?
  • husband - marido
  • prescreening process - triagem
  • sigh - suspirar
  • sweetly - docemente, com suavidade
  • tend - tomar conta
  • wearily - de maneira cansada
  • wife - esposa


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